We know that the landing of Colombo on the new continent was an extraordinary event and that it must be celebrated constantly, as we have done at the moment.
A new land is always exciting and exploring it will bring many positive results for the nation, but we cannot fail to mention the existence of inhabitants on that land and its importance in the new continent.
When Columbus arrived in America, he found it full of inhabitants, natives, totally different from us in appearance and personality. They look wild and have no fancy customs, but they have a civilization of their own that has apparently worked well for years. The natives live in tribes, each tribe has its language, its culture, its customs, its habits and its religions. They live on what nature offers and have peculiar traditions, besides seeing no value in gold or silver.
We must not suppress these people, but rather live in harmony with them, since they are the true owners of the land and have their own organization that we must respect, even without understanding.
They invaded the land of the native americans, treating them in an unfriendly and violent manner when they arrived. The effects of colonization on the native populations in the New World were mistreatment of the natives, harsh labor for them, and new ideas about religion for the spaniards.
the government does not take the masses to heart as democracy implies
The Normandy beach was littered with German land mines, barbed wire, heavy artillery batteries and machine-gun nests. There were also anti-tank walls, shelters constructed of thick concrete, anti-aircraft guns and many other types of defensive positions.