Bike 4
I agree with my peer. Of the 4 bikes, bike 4 is closest to the $20 line.
Something about a mountain
for the first one x=56
2. this could be y=11 and x=56
El Paleozoico se divide en seis períodos: Cámbrico (la vida animal florece en los mares), Ordovícico (dominan los invertebrados), Silúrico (primer animal de respiración aérea), Devónico (aparecen peces con escamas duras y los anfibios), Carbonífero (aparecen grandes bosques de helechos, primeros reptiles etc,
D I believe :)
Protect not only the property but also the property owner from the danger of slave violence.
Image result for In the early 19th century, state governments in the South passed slave codes
Inherent in the institution of slavery were certain social controls, which enslavers amplified with laws to protect not only the property but also the property owner from the danger of slave violence. The slave codes were forerunners of the Black codes of the mid-19th century.