The General Mining Act of 1872 , needs to be reformed because there is a clause in it that there will be no protection of environment. This cannot be justified seeing the present day scenario as environment has come under huge stress due to anthropogenic activities including mining. Sustainable development is more important than increasing economy. Environment protection will also help in economy boost in a long run by reducing the costs of rejuvenating the damaged ecosystem in future.
Most major rivers in Southeast Asia seem to flow in the same direction. By studying the physical geography of this region, we can tell that these rivers flow from north to south because the major mountain ranges run from north to south. The rivers formed naturally between them in valleys.
Carbon is the basic building block of life . This is the reason carbon dating is effective, all living organisms contain carbon. Also, carbon is so important to life because virtually all molecules in the body contain carbon. ... For this reason it can form long chain molecules, each with different properties.
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The correct answer is "3. Maximum sustainable yield"
Examining all the options,
The cost of bird nest soup cannot help people determine how many nests to harvest. By either increasing or decreasing the price, there is no direct or indirect effect on the peoples' ability to harvest the birds' nests.
International policies are those policies a nation sets up in order to protect their interest in the <em>international field. </em>The issue of nests harvesting might sometimes be a national issue. You cannot set up an international policy that would affect issues that occur nationally(within the auspices of the nation).
Maximum sustainable yield is the largest yield that can be taken out of a certain resource within a period of time. This concept can help people determine the number of nests to harvest because it tells them to stop when a particular number of nests have been harvested within a set time period.
The tragedy of the commons is a situation where shared-resources are over-consumed, spoiled and depleted by those who put their own self interest ahead of the interest of others. It cannot help the people to determine how many nests to harvest because if certain individuals are self-centered and ultimately greedy, they would go the extra mile to achieve their goal without considering the consequence of the birds extinction.
Fundamental niche of the cave swallow are the conditions it requires to survive and reproduce itself. However, there is an absence in the interaction with other species. This means that other species are not taken into account. This concept cannot help people determine how many nests to harvest, rather, <em>realized niche </em>may help.