In this situation, participants:
Believed in diagnostic information but they simply didn't pay attention to the base rate.
- Kahneman and Tversky did experiments in the fields of psychology.
- The base rate is such a phenomenon in the field of psychology which tells us that certain number of population will show certain characteristics. So, in our case the base rate is the information that proportion of people in the overall population who are lawyers or engineers.
- But the participants made judgments about the likelihood that certain people with certain characteristics were lawyers or engineers.
Famous persons of history.
Different people are present in the engraving due to their popularity and higher influence on the history. Engraving is an art in which designs are made on the metal or wood. These designs may be the picture of famous people of history who achieve high status and popularity among people due to their work. So we can say that on the engraving, only the picture of famous and influence individuals are printed on the metal.
Throughout the first half of the 19th century, “free suffrage” was the goal of men who believed that they did not need to own property to have an interest in the fortunes of their country or to exercise sound judgment on its behalf. They agitated to change state constitutions and abolish property requirements for voting. This cane bearing their slogan was likely carried in parades. Some men in power shared their philosophy. Others found the growing power of the “common man,” the shifting American economy, and the need for new voters to support their own new political parties were compelling reasons to support free suffrage.
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