<span>John's mood is not good. maybe I have a strong one . My father suffers because he smokes too much. This winter I'm going to get an injection to prevent the flu. if you eat a lot they go to too much. Marta lost weight very fast. Do you think I have?
lol right?
Por. Para would be used to say that something was made *for* someone.
¡Cierto! (true)
A healthy diet should include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products and lean meats. In addition to eating well, you should reduce the consumption of cholesterol, sodium, sugar and saturated fats. Along with regular exercise, a healthy diet can reduce the risk of heart problems, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and some types of cancer.
If you are overweight, eating healthy and exercising regularly can help you lose weight safely and not recover. If you have no weight problem, physical activity and a healthy diet can help you maintain your current weight and reduce the risks of gaining weight as you get older. Healthy food is generally low in calories and high in nutrients compared to other foods, and regular physical exercise burns the extra calories to maintain a healthy physique.
travel in railroad
get a guide
We can arrive at Machu Pichu in the railroad, several years ago, this mountain area is so hard to build something and unfortunately, people die building the best option to travel to Machu Pichu.
Before the railroad, there are different paths to walk in Machu Pichu, the hardest one, you must contract a guide to do your travel between Inca's path, but there are other paths where just must have a good physical condition.
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