I your language kk alright hey hye no
aburrido porque se escucha más mejor
1. nosotros le damos un oso se peliche a Monica
3. Mis padres me regalan un gato a mi
4. mi hermana le regala una corbata a mi padre
5. Mis padres me regalan libros a mi
6. nuestros amigos nos regalan un par de discos a nosotros
7. yo le regalo un brasalete a mi novia
1. Ilogico
2. Logico
3. Logico
4. Logico
5. Ilogico
Translated quesitons and answers :)
1. "Medical examinations are prohibited in this hospital." logical--------> illogical
2. "This morning my hand broke, I had to cancel all appointments this week." logical <--------- illogical
3. "Medicine is needed because there are sick patients." illogical ---------> logic
4. "X-rays are given in my office." logical <--------- illogical
5. "A nurse dropped some bottles, so the patient took off his shoes." logical --------> illogical
I am fluent in Spanish, so if you need anymore help, just let me know :)
I hope this helps!