C. environmental scanning
Environmental scanning is a management strategy that focuses on systematically acquiring informations about occasions, trends, events or patterns through surveys and analysis of these information in an organisation's external and internal environment.
Basically, the informations acquired through environmental scanning are used by the executive (top) management in strategically planning the organisation's future and exploitation of available opportunities for the success of the organization.
Furthermore, the internal environmental scanning offers an organization strength and weakness while the external environmental scanning provides information about opportunities and threats.
On the other hand, the external environmental scanning gives an overview of the opportunities in the market as well as potential threats to an organization.
In conclusion, environmental scanning is a process which typically deals with gathering external and internal informations, forecasting relevant trends to an organization, competitive actions, and circumstances that will affect business operations in geographic areas of potential interest to an organization.
Result of active fiscal policy : there may be stimulation of the economy in the short run, but there will be harmful effects to the economy in the long run.
Active fiscal policy implies that Congress and the President are actively attempting to shift the trajectory of the economy by adjustments in taxes and/or government expenditure.
In an open market, monetary policy often influences the rate of exchange and trade balance.
Moreover, in the long term, the development of international debt, which stems from large government expenditures, can lead investors to mistrust US assets which may trigger the exchange rate to fall.
Product differentiation.
Dollar shave club is distinguishing their products as unique in the shaving market because they are convenient and affordable.
An increase in sale for 90 units, will increase the net income for 1$,170
<em>We are not given with any information of additional cost or special price for this units, so we use the current values.</em>
So we simply multiply the contribution per unit by the increase in sale.
Contribution Margin x Δ sales = Δ income
13 x 90 = 1,170
Each unit contributes with 13 additional income, there are 90 additional units
Total income added 1,170