1) under the weather means not feeling well.
2) It means that a person is currently unemployed — having quit, been fired, or laid off from his or her previous job, or the previous job was temporary and has now ended — and the person has not yet found a new job.
acid chowder, barking at the ants, the big spit, arguing with the worms, etc.
well-seasoned, experienced, elderly, time lasted, antique
Are there choices that I can choose from?
D. proletariat
Lenin, Stalin, and Trotsky were all members of the proletariat as they were all communists who believed in service to the people.
A proletariat is a person that does labor for pay, such as odd jobs or any other job to make a living. These three men were members of the proletariat.
The opposite of proletariat is aristocracy.
copying, or plagerizing if you wanna sound fancy! (i spelled plagarizing wrong sorry)