True, in order to make their mercantilist economy succeed Britain needed to import raw materials from its colonies
The Maryland Colony was the last of the 13 colonies to ratify the Articles of Confederation, which it did in 1781. The Maryland Colony became a state on April 28th, 1788 when it ratified the United States Constitution. Nicknames given to Maryland over the years include the Free State, and the Old Line State.
Explanation: none
Answer:The sovereignty of God was "Calvin's most central doctrine. It means that nothing is left to chance or human free will." ... He writes "By predestination we mean the eternal decree of God, by which he determined with himself whatever he wished to happen with regard to every man.
Foreign policy is important because it determines the state of relationships between countries and guides the diplomats in negotiations. If a country is too aggressive and refuses to take into the legitimate interests of other countries, it may face a push back or even an armed conflict.
NATO was established to fight the spread of communism, while the Warsaw Pact was formed to protect communism
NATO and the Warsaw Pact were military organization that were formed after the World War II ended. These two organizations were the fiercest rivals during the Cold War period. NATO was led by the United States, while the Warsaw Pact was led by the Soviet Union. NATO was dedicated to spreading out democracy and free market economy, while the Warsaw Pact was dedicated to spreading out communism and command economy.