(c)destroying it..to make something out of an insect u must destroy right?
evils are too much on it climax
I would say Both, in my opinion because I use grammar a lot and never put commas when addressing someone If it is or isn’t being directly addressing he she or they. You could do he she or they or He, She, or they. If that’s what you mean?
G00gle's not the only lying liar that lies but it's the source of all the other lies. After 16-years, G00gle wants you to believe that there's magic happening whenever you put a query into the still-simple and minimalist G00gle search box. G00gle gives relevant results foor the person searching. It does not give truths. A statement X can be a lie for person A but can be the truth for person B. So g00gle does not give anwsers to questions, and therefore it does not lie.
please mark this answer as brainliest
It was when Beowulf and Unferth had a conversation. Unferth questions Beowulf’s capabilities when
he mentions the swimming contest that he lost to Brecca. Beowulf counters by saying that he was blown
off by storm and had to fight monsters.
He was making a statement that he was more than prepared to meet and
defeat Grendel.