The second one. To protects them from hearing the deadly song of the sirens
I don't think we should becuase our countrydoes not have enough money to afford multiple nuclear reactors and also the chances of a meltdown are highher then you think, also places like chernobyl still have high traces of radiation so if htere is one it could be centuries until its actually safe to be around that area again
There is a deeper message in Forster's essay.
Forster, in his essay titled "The woods" reveals the effects of properties on their owners. He explains how properties require a lot from their owners, they serve as burdens to their owners and yet the owners keep wanting more.
Yes, he effectively expresses his opinions in clear terms that can be well understood by the readers.
I get curious and find it exciting to own properties, but as soon as I own them, they tend to take much of my attention than necessary just as Forster claimed. The importance of owing things despite this supposed shortcoming cannot be overemphasized.
¨ Humid Shadows"refer to dark clouds that produce rain. When it rains poet get into his cottage and enjoy the patter of rain upon the roof.
Or you can either put this as your answer:
This refers to the various imaginary thoughts and fantasies that are aroused in the poets mind
Am not sure but It is D..