1. If you work as a health professional or related to administrative branch of the medical field, understanding such terms are of upmost importance as you will encounter such terms in everyday work. If you work in the administrative side such as a cashier or a bill coder, then understanding these terms will help in the preparation of medical bills or documents for the patient as each organ system or disease have specific codes (ICD or CPT); and if the patient asks you questions about those terms, then you can easily answer it.
2. Understanding word parts will help you identify medical terms (i.e. cardio/logy - cardio- means heart and logos means the study of, or sarcoma - sarco- means fleshy and -oma means new growth). Having this knowledge is helpful in deducing terms that you don't have full knowledge of. This is important if you work in medical documentation or in medical records.
Paranoia? It can also be restlessness and high blood pressure. whichever one seems right to you. hope this helps!
C. Symmetrical
A transversal plane is a plane that intersects two or more planes. The transverse plane is also referred to as horizontal plane. The transverse plane divides the body into two non-symmetrical sections: one section containing the head and another section containing the tail (i.e., superior part and inferior part, respectively).
Biodiversity conservation protects the plant, animal, microbial and genetic resources for food production, agriculture, and ecosystem functions such as fertilizing the soil, recycling nutrients, regulating pests and disease, controlling erosion, and pollinating crops and trees.
Plants and animals depend on each other in order to survive, therefore the destruction of one would affect the life of the other. Hence, we should conserve biodiversity to prevent these species to become extinct and to maintain a balance in nature.