The use of government expenditure and taxation to impact the economy is a big part of policy. A governing body inside a company is more likely to establish policies. Most policies' significance as a policy instrument has grown and gone. Before 1930, a laissez-faire, or small government, approach dominated. When it comes to influencing the economy, policymakers have two basic tools: monetary policy and fiscal policy.
The physical environment has a massive effect on human activities. Throughout history the impact of the effect of the physical environment has changed, but the influence has always been there. Some ways in which the physical environment affect humans are:
- weather and climate
- natural disasters (volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis)
- terrain
Human activities also have a significant impact on the physical environment. Some examples of ways that humans affect the physical environment are:
- deforestation
- extraction of resources
- anthropogenic climate change
- modification of topography
- contamination of the seas
The answer would be crystals
Salt Lake City is the answer