Shaun is using projection as a defense mechanism.
Defense mechanisms, just as the name states, are used when an individual is being confronted and this generates anxiety. In order to cope with that anxiety, the individual tends to make use of these as a protection or defense.
Projection is a defense mechanism in which an individual tries to <em>get rid of unwanted feelings and personal characteristics </em>and thus deposits or projects these <em>onto others</em>, in order to avoid hurting his/her self-image.
In this case, Shaun was confronted for his binge drinking and unable to cope with this, he projects onto his roommate and other individuals his age, saying they do it as well so he does not have to take the responsibility and doesn't have to <em>deal with the anxiety</em> the confrontation generated.
The answer is superego.
<u>Sigmund Freud-</u> He is an Australian neurologist who was born on May 6, 1856. He became popular for his <u><em>psychoanalytic theory of personality development.</em></u><u> </u>This is now known as the Sigmund Freud's theory. According to him, a person's personality can be formed according to the different structures of the mind, <em>the id, ego and superego. </em>
Id- refers to the innate instinctive impulses. This is based on the pleasure principle that one's needs should be gratified immediately. For example, when a person is hungry, he has the motivation to eat. However, this is not always the situation. There are times when you need to be patient in order to eat. If the person cannot eat, it causes tension on his end. So, instead of eating, he will dream about the food he wanted to eat.
Ego- Ego is a structure of the mind that provides reality check. It helps the id achieve its purpose in an appropriate manner. For example, the hungry person above cannot eat yet because he is in a meeting, the ego will allow him to eat after the meeting ends.
Superego- The superego upholds the internal moral standards and ideals of the society. This includes the ideals taught by our parents and schools. It now gives guidelines or rules for a person to do what is morally right or wrong.
Congress passed the War Powers Resolution in the aftermath of the Vietnam War to address these concerns and provide a set of procedures for both the President and Congress to follow in situations where the introduction of U.S. forces abroad could lead to their involvement in armed conflict.
Ruomei's new liking for biology has been conditioned.
She was 'conditioned,' aka learned to love biology because of the guy she has a crush on. Previously, she wasn't interested in biology, but when she started liking this guy, she somehow connected her attraction to him to her growing love for biology. Thus, the guy was her stimulus to become conditioned to love biology.