Collective learning is the ability to learn and transfer knowledge to others, but it is also the ability to use other people to help learn certain material.
Because if there wasn't tension, uncomfort, and conflict in society, nothing would be done. Who would want to resolve race issues if there was no tension about it? It's important to gain notice of crucial issues that need to be fixed and to stir debate.
one this does not completly make sence but ill try, it is illegal for law of military to come into your house unwanted if they dont have a warrent but sadly the budt in houses with out warrentx slot.
The lands of Africa were not explored at this time due to disease, foreign malitias, and transportation. They also were very secluded to their lands during this time.
During their brief, but deadly dominance the airships killed more than 500 people and injured more than a thousand in places all down the east of the country. The last ever attempt to bomb Britain by a Zeppelin was over the Norfolk coast on 5 August 1918.