The answer is 4. (All of The Above)
Los mares cerrados, como el Mar Mediterráneo, presentan mayores niveles de contaminación porque son entera o mayoritariamente formados por cuencas endorreicas, las cuales no tienen salida directa hacia el océano. De esta manera, las corrientes marítimas no desagotan sus residuos en el océano, sino que continúan retroalimentándose de manera cícilica, con lo que el conjunto de desechos que viaja en dichas corrientes se queda constantemente dentro de la misma cuenca.
An open circuit is one where the continuity has been broken by an interruption in the path for current to flow. A closed circuit is one that is complete, with good continuity throughout.
For instance, a simple light switch opens and closes the circuit that connects a light to a power source. When you build a circuit, it's a good idea to disconnect the battery or other power source when the circuit is not in use.
Anne felt that a quarter of her class was D umb, and should be kept back and not promoted to the next class. However, she also felt that teachers were the most unpredictable creatures on earth because nobody could say which students they would fail and which students would be passed on to the next class.
also please choose the right topic this is reading not geography