Looking glass self
Looking-glass self is a social theory that states that how we view ourselves is a result of how other people view us, that is, individuals view themselves based on the perception of others. This theory was introduced by Charles Horton Cooley in 1902 and it focuses on the development of self-concept.
Jada's wardrobe change to suit the perception of the individual she has a date illustrates looking-glass self theory, her view of herself is influenced by the individuals preference.
This is an example of face-saving behavior.
She did this in order to avoid feeling embarrassed, or to lessen the embarrassing situation which may have happened if she showed that she heard them fighting. By pretending she didn't hear anything, she kept the appearance of a normal situation.
B. obtain IACUC approval for the change
Una Constitución (del latín constitutio, -ōnis)1 es un texto codificado de carácter jurídico-político, fruto de un poder constituyente, que tiene el propósito de constituir la separación de poderes, definiendo y creando los poderes constituidos (legislativo, ejecutivo y judicial),2 que antes de la constitución estaban unidos o entremezclados, define sus respectivos controles y equilibrios (checks and balances),3 además es la ley fundamental de un Estado, con rango superior al resto de normas jurídicas, fundamentando (según el normativismo) todo el ordenamiento jurídico, incluye el régimen de los derechos y libertades de los ciudadanos y delimita los poderes e instituciones de la organización política.