Using facts that are backed up by creditable sources, keep a level head; speak or type confidently, when trying to persuade someone don't be quick to correct them or talk over them. make sure you let them share their views and then if you can, rearrange your passage to best fit their ideas.
(trust me, as a student studying law for fun, we do this a lot.
Hopefully that was helpful to some extent.)
1. The difference between the baobab tree and the redwood tree is that the baobab is a deciduous tree while the redwood are coniferous not deciduous.
2. The baobab grows to a diameter of more than 1.38 meters while the redwood grows tall rather than wide.
3.The baobab grows in hot , dry climate of Africa while the redwood grows in areas along the western coast of the United States.
1. They both grow tall.
1)What is your approach to delegation?
2)Describe how you would ensure that production is on schedule.
3)What, in your opinion, is the most important quality in a Film Director?
4)Describe a time when you made a mistake in your duties.
I hope it helps
Your question is incomplete, so i'll give you a general overview that should help you arrive at the correct answer.
What is Inference? This is the use of deduction to come to a conclusion about something, based on a premise.
A Theme is the central idea of a work, either written or oral.
Therefore, there are some ways of identifying a theme which includes:
- Read and understand the text
- Look out for the message the author is trying to pass across
- Check if the supporting details are consistent with the message
Use the above steps to find your theme and you already know what an inference is
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