Both of these daughter cells will then go on to divide once more in meiosis II, producing 4 daughter cells, 2 with n+1 and 2 with n-1. Nondisjunction in meiosis II results from the failure of the sister chromatids to separate during anaphase II.
The herpes virus infects the humans to cause chickenpox disease. The virus during its stage of causing infection, it spreads through the epidermal cells by infecting them. This causes the typical rash on skin that is seen in chickenpox. The virus then enters that sensory nerves present on the ski and travels along the length of the neurons to the sensory dorsal-root ganglia adjacent to the spinal cord. Here the virus stays in an inactive stage.
Your answer will be B.
Earthquakes are the result of released energy from tectonic plates rubbing against each other on active fault lines.
4 deletion
deletion is a type of genetic mutation involving the removal of a base pair
The main factors affecting rate of photosynthesis are light intensity, carbon dioxide concentration and temperature.