In Dulce et Decorum Est, hags is used to describe young soldiers. The simile 'coughing like hags' was used because the young soldiers went into battle strong and full of life. After battle, they returned looking aged and beat down - hence 'hags' or resembling beggars.
Answer: Has the university awarded you?
Gregor was quite confused of how he changed in the dream therefore he was heavily affected by it and soon came to past. He felt sad when the raindrops pittered and pattered on the window pane which indeed matched his mood of how he was. But when his mother asked him if he wanted to go somewhere he replied in a forced but uncertain tone. Henceforth he felt partially full because of the meaning of how it had happened.
Verb is a figure of speech that does action. In addition, a complete verb can include adverbials and prepositions. In this example, the action word is 'go'. But if we are talking about the complete verb, the answer should be 'will often go". This phrase altogether gives Sue not only an action, but also the frequency of the action.
Well, although the most prevalent example right now is of course the coronavirus pandemic, events like this have happened all throughout history. Think of the Black Death: it swept through Europe, killing tens of thousands and pretty much ending the system of feudalism. Though in modern times these pandemics have less potential to upend systems, they remain game changers. The H1N1 epidemic - the Spanish flu - sent shockwaves throughout the globe because of its scope and lethality.