Following are the statement in C++ Language is given below
total=0; // variable declaration
cin >> amount; // Read the input
while(amount >=0) //iterating the loop
if(amount>0) // checking condition
total=total+amount; // perform operation
Following is the description of the statement
- Declared a variable "total" and initialized with them 0 to them.
- Read the input in the "amount" variable by using cin.
- iterating the loop when the amount is greater then 0.
- Checking the condition if(amount>0) then adding the total variable and amount and storing them into the total variable.
Im not certain but I think thwir is one called flip
Kind of works like a book if thats what your asking for
Each variable has a name, a value, and a type. The value might change over time, and that's why its “variable.” Many variables store numbers and strings, like the ones above. Variables can also store other types of data, like lists, dictionaries, and Boolean values
I am not completely sure, but I believe that the leader of the Jamestown colony described in this paragraph is John Rolfe.