From this 16th-century illustration, we can see that use and advantage of gunpowder of the following played a large part in the Mughal Empire's rise to power is the correct answer for that issue
All geographical features of a place are fine. Humans that are resourceful adapt to their surroundings so it doesn’t matter in the end.
that they would not accept the tax from the king
Ha you need to research and do it not ask someone
They considered themselves to be Englishmen.
Prior to the Declaration of Independence in 1776, the people of the 13 colonies considered themselves Englishmen first and Americans 2nd. For the 10 years preceding the war, they continuously pushed for a seat in parliament as was the right of all Englishmen. They were always denied. The properly argued, even if unsuccessfully, that it was their right as Englishmen dating back to the Magna Carta to be afforded that right.