The letter B is the right answer.
The main objective of the hardin and Weinberg equilibrium is to determine how the allelic frequencies change within a population.
In 1908, Godfrey H. Hardy (1877-1947) and the German physician, Wilhem Weinberg, proposed that if no evolutionary factors act on a given population, the frequencies of their alleles would remain unchanged for several generations. This proposal became known as Hardy-Weinberg's Law (or theorem) or principle of gene balance.
According to this law, the necessary conditions for a population to reach equilibrium are:
a) The population must be large, so that all possible intersections occur.
b) The population must be panmatic (from the Greek pan, all, and from the Latin miscere, mix), that is, the crossings must be carried out randomly, without preconditions.
Within these conditions, without mutation, migration or selection, there will be a genetic balance. Over the generations, genes will not change.