The years following the end of WW2 saw the United States consolidating as a superpower and the emergence of a global actor only equaled by the Soviet Union at the time. Efforts to prevent further conflicts in global scale resulted in the creation of the United Nations. The headquarters of many other multilateral organizations was lead by the US foreign policy that formerly didn't play such an active role
The "Marshal Plan" became a key for reconstruction of the European economies and it saw an emergence of financial institutions that fostered cooperation and development to many countries. This includes the World Bank, International Monetary Fund. This multilateral organisms were key to reconstruction of countries damaged by war.
The policy of containment, and later the Cold war generated local conflicts, where famous cases like Vietnam generated a bad image to the World where Us should have not been involved
to prevent the spread of communism, saw the formation of the NATO, that nowadays is seen as an intromission from the US into European politics especially in the sphere of military and defense. Nato generates a huge military budget and relies on American troops when Europeans could be more involved in solving their particular issues and being more autonomous
Number of new immigrants around the turn of the twentieth century affected the number of acculturation programs in the United States as a large number of immigrants arrived, and they sought acculturation programs at settlement houses.
<u>Further Explanation:-
The simple and standard account in respect to American immigration focuses more on the acculturation as well as assimilation of the Immigrants along with their children to the society of America</u>. This analysis ignores the significant contributions which immigrants made for the contribution of American Culture by many cultural aspects and pursuits. There has always been presence of immigrants in big numbers on all the aspects of American Culture be it Arts, Films, Culture, Languages, Food etc. Initially when immigrants moved into America, They had to face some challenges with respect to language barriers, Living standards, working with strangers etc but these were some of the little hurdles they had to face. During the period of 19th Century, The European immigration in United States increased at high rate and so was the diversity it brought. <u>During this period of time there were many European immigrants from Italy, Poland and Jews who came to America and merged themselves in the culture of United States. Many of the immigrants ought acculturation programs at settlement houses.
Grade – High School
Subject – History
Chapter – Acculturation programs
<u>Keywords</u>-Immigrants, United States, immigration, American Culture, Italy, Poland, Jewish, Living Standard, Strangers, Culture
August 28, 1963. Washington,
Answer:because they made them into slaves