C) This is a constitutional law made by a legislative body.
King Rajendra was insulted and his trusted bodyguard was beheaded. His junior wife, Queen Rajyalakshmi, had thought that Jung Bahadur Rana would help her to ensure that her son Prince Ranendra succeeds to the throne but Jung Bahadur had made her believe so for his own motives.
As he was an infant, his mother Rajendra Lxmi shah ruled as a regent. Relationship between Bahadur Shah and Rajendra Laxmi was not so good. So Bahadur Shah went to live in India. He returned to Nepal after the death of Rajendra Laxmi and started to rule as the regent of his nephew Rana Bahadur Shah.
The early atmosphere on Earth was mostly carbon dioxide.
It was also poisonous and extremely hot.
Atmosphere is the gaseous envelope of a planet.
Today's atmospheric functions include sustaining life with oxygen, produced from plants; filtering harmful rays from the sun, helping in protecting the Earth from meteor collisions.
Well as I'm sure you know we live in a society greatly impacted by technology and because so everything important usually ends up on the internet, the dissemination of news helps activists and the regular joe, educate themselves. But as in a political revolution starting I suppose dissemination would make them more educated in the debate, and allow them to spread there message.
Labor's work hours were limited.