Ã°É is for a guy and ðɪ is for a female.
hope this helps
Hi Alyssaperez24031,
1) Je cherche
2) Nous trouvons
3) Elles déjeunent
4) Tu commences
5) Ils disent
6) Vous dites
7) Je dis
1- il se lave les dents 2-il travaille et il joue 3-en voiture 4-il est fatigué
Hello !
1. Il ... un cahier.
<em>→ a. a
<em />
<em />
2. Nous... des cahiers.
<em>→ b. avons
<em />
<em />
3. Tu ... les livres.
<em>→ c. as
4. Vous ... génial.
<em>→ a. êtes
<em />
5. Ils ... tres intelligents.
<em>→ b. sont
<em />
6. Je ... gentille
<em>→ a. suis
<em />
7. Il ... gentil
<em>→ d. est</em>
<em>× × i hope i helped you ! × ×</em>
The main reason for the large number of French words in English can be chalked up to another invasion: the Norman Invasion of 1066, when William the Conqueror (Guillaume le Conquerant in French) staked his claim to the British throne and won it in the Battle of Hastings