Our teachers have always said- Our Sun is a giant star, there aren't much similarities of those two but, We can say is that There are still stars out there that are much like the Sun, we named the Sun it's name because planets orbit around the Sun and there are still Stars out there that have an orbit around it.
A student might practice the earthquake drill (Drop, cover, and hold on during your earthquake drill) if they lived in the middle of a tectonic plate.
It voliated state laws and the us constitution
Sustainable use practices are practices that are used in the use of resources for example that seek to maintain the longevity and continuance of the potential use of that resource. In regards to trees and logging the sustainable use of wood or paper would seek to continue the longevity and vitality of the forests by not overusing these products. Sustainable use will use a resource at a rate that will allow for natural replenishment or incremental use of the resource to prevent harm to the environment and allow the resource to be used far into the future.