Chavez's legacy in Venezuela can be viewed in two totally contrasting ways, depending on who will be writing the history.
Hugo Chavez was one of the last communist leaders in the world, led by communism, which unlike the majority of the communist leaders, actually had a lot of support by the people. He was leader of Venezuela for long time, and his reign was only ended because he died. As a typical communist leader, Chavez wanted to have everything under control, including the resources of the country, eliminating and suppressing any opposition, and trying to make the country as self-sustaining as possible.
The majority of the people supported him, and one of the main reasons for that was that he openly opposed the United States and the corporations, and nationalized the oil and natural gas reserves. The people of Venezuela had very bad feelings for the United States because of their interference in their country, and Chavez used it to the maximum.
When future history books are written, how would Chavez be interpreted will depended mostly on who will write the history books, as well as the political climate in the country. It can range anywhere from portraying him as national hero that protected the country, its interest, and was beloved by the people, to a brutal tyrant that isolated the country, suppressed the people, and made Venezuela stagnate.
Learn more about communist economies
The Volga River. hope this helps.
The size shapes and arrangements of mineral grains in an igneous rock is known as texture or rock microstructure. It refers to the components found on a rock and how a rock is composed. The texture of an igneous rock varies differently; it can be either crystalline, fragmental, or glassy.
Sad to say, the warning time that the residents of Sumatra had before the 2004 tsunami hit land was close from little to none. A rough estimation would around 15 - 30 minutes. They say that the primary cause would be that there wasn't any warning systems over the Indian Ocean at that time. Another thing, which is what most people who knew about it would point out as the real problem, is that there was no issuance of a warning in the first place. The quake was detected an hour or so before the tsunami occurred in the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre located in Ewo, Hawaii. At that moment, the information was relayed to Australia and to the rest of the world. The question wasn't why the Centre didn't issue a warning, but why the whole world network of information didn't issue one. They say that other sophisticated data were available at that time and almost immediately since the tsunami was active.