There is a sympathetic guy named Ramon. Ramon is intelligent, artistic and good looking. He always likes helping his friends, whenever they have a problem they speak to Ramon. One day, a girl named Ana speaks to him and says. “Ramon help” she says. “I don’t speak Spanish and, I am going to receive an F in Mrs.Dora’s class.” Ramon doesn’t need to help Ana but he is very sympathetic and he wants to help her. Ramon says, “I’ll help you, Ana, we can study together. You’re going to be speaking Spanish very well.” In a few days, Ana received a B grade. It wasn’t an A but it is much better than an F. Ana is very happy.
C. Cuál.
Identifying the narrator and the time that a sentence indicates is the first step that must be taken. this is very important to be able to conjugate the verbs, and that these have concordance with what is being expressed
Answer: Quiero probarme el vestido azul.
Explanation: I want to try on the blue dress.
Not much has to be changed around in this sentence for it to work :)
What we must verify in this case is the grammar of the sentence.
For this case we are receiving a direct order.
The translation of the sentence in English is given by:
Put the flowers on the table.
In Spanish, we have different ways of writing the order.
Way 1:
Pon las flores en la mesa.
Way 2:
Ponga las flores en la mesa.
Therefore, the prayer is written correctly.
The sentence is written correctly.
You will give many gifts to your parents.
2. I want to buy gloves for my nephew.
3. Clara is going to sell her French literature books to her friend.
4. Customers can pay us by credit card.
5. Does Rolando write an electronic message to Miguel?