Answer: Solar energy is a convenient resource
Julius Caesar - A great Roman general and senator, recently returned to Rome in triumph after a successful military campaign. While his good friend Brutus worries that Caesar may aspire to dictatorship over the Roman republic, Caesar seems to show no such inclination, declining the crown several times. Yet while Caesar may not be unduly power-hungry, he does possess his share of flaws. He is unable to separate his public life from his private life, and, seduced by the populace’s increasing idealization and idolization of his image, he ignores ill omens and threats against his life, believing himself as eternal as the North Star.
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take notes
The correct answer is option letter A (Version 1 uses chronological order, building up to the action. Version 2 starts with the conclusion to make readers curious about the beginning). There is <u>a clear contrast</u> between the narrative structures of Version 1 and Version 2, since <u>Version 1</u> narrates a series of events in a chronological order leading to a possible climax by making lots of descriptions of the place and her feelings and <u>Version 2</u> sums up the narrative stating her departure and the thoughts of retelling her past experiences during the two camping days. The rest of the options are not correct, either because they mix up the real organization of Yasmin’s narrative or because they mention details that are not present in her narrative.