When people put their money in the bank to save it other people can borrow that money. As they pay it back you won't loose money and the bank will earn in interest. So as long as people are putting their money into the bank others will be able to borrow when tight on money. This is similar to herd immunity because as long as a greater number are doing it the minority that can't will be protected.
Answer: A
An idiom is a figurative writing technique that usually uses the metaphor of completing a certain literal process. This hence prescribes a certain type of attitude to the individual in question. The idiom is 'willing to work from the ground up', Leroy in this case likely wont be physically building something from the ground up. But instead he will be metaphorically approaching the task at hand and is willing to put in all the hard work necessary to learn everything he can.
Maybe add some facts about whatever your writing about or just add in some extra things about the characters or what they did