Sold ABCCo stock, acquired 2 years ago, for a $1,500 loss.Sold collectible coins, held for 17 months, for a $2,000 gain.Sold XYZCo shares, acquired 6 months ago, for a $4,100 loss.Sold LMNCo stock, acquired 3 years ago, for a $500 gain.(-1500+2000+500) = 1000 LTCG – 4100 = 3100 STCL
$3000 yearly limit; 100 is carry forward next year
Answer key for quiz chose triangle sum theorem got it wrong at least we know that's not it
answer key for rest of quiz 1 CPCTC
2 6 cm
3 13 in
4 80 cm
5 wrong
6 40
7 26 m
8 4 in
9 9 cm
10 105
A figure of speech is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable. An example of a metaphor would be "Rollercoaster of emotions" which means, that they are experiencing a lot of good and bad things
Solution: You report it to your bank so they can either freeze your assets, if you have misplaced it or they cancel it completely while they send you a new one.
Term: Identity theft, theft, compromised account???
i mean i relate to that so hard bro