Olá. Nenhuma das opções mostradas na pergunta apresentam o resultado de 1,86 - 0,06. Entretanto, se você dividir 1,86 por 0,06, o resultado será 31, ou seja a letra D.
Para resolver essa divisão, você deve começar pelo fato de que tanto o duvisor quanto o dividendo possuem dois numeros depois da vírgula. Nesse caso, você pode desconsiderar a vírgula e, portanto, considerar os numeros 186 e 6. Nesse caso, 186 divido por 6 é igual 31.
The correct answer is letter C
Johnson took over the presidency. Once at the top of the country, Johnson tried to implement his autonomy policies, against which the Republicans, who defended the Union's control over the states, vigorously rebelled. Republicans dominated Congress, imposing enormous difficulties on Andrew Johnson's administration.
Johnson continued to rebuild the former Confederate states while Congress was in recess. When Congress met in December 1865, slavery was being abolished. But the "black codes", which regulated the freed slaves, were beginning to appear.
Radical Republicans in Congress, alarmed by the restrictions imposed on blacks, acted to change Johnson's program. Refusing to accept any congressman or senator from the former Confederation, they approved measures aimed at ex-slaves. Johnson vetoed the legislation. Congress overturned its veto and passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866, establishing blacks as American citizens and prohibiting any discrimination against them.
During the campaign for President in 1988, George Bush promised that he would "not raise taxes," since this was, and continues to be, one of the most prominent talking points in Republican politics.
Tigris and Euphrates
While Mesopotamia's soil was fertile, the region's semiarid climate didn't have much rainfall, with less than ten inches annually. This initially made farming difficult. Two major rivers in the region -- the Tigris and Euphrates -- provided a source of water that enabled wide-scale farming.
Religion was central to Mesopotamians as they believed the divine affected every aspect of human life. Mesopotamians were polytheistic; they worshipped several major gods and thousands of minor gods. Each Mesopotamian city, whether Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian or Assyrian, had its own patron god or goddess.