Old Major relates a dream that he had the previous night, of a world in which animals live without the tyranny of men: they are free, happy, well fed, and treated with dignity. He urges the animals to do everything they can to make this dream a reality and exhorts them to overthrow the humans who purport to own them.
2. The Americans, with French help, defeated the British at Yorktown
The Americans and French surrounded the British and forced them into surrendering which is considered a victory.
The correct answer is A) Withencroft goes out for a walk and ends up at the home of a stone carver. Atkinson carves a headstone with Withencroft's name on it. This develops the theme that one cannot choose one's destiny.
James Withencroft's and Charles Atkinson's actions develop a theme in “August Heat” in that Withencroft goes out for a walk and ends up at the home of a stone carver. Atkinson carves a headstone with Withencroft's name on it. This develops the theme that one cannot choose one's destiny.
“August Heat” is a short story written by W.F. Harvey and published in 1910. It is a mystery story about to unknown men that had premonitions about what is going to happen to them in the future. “August Heat” main topic is that outcomes can be beyond a person's control