Technical program - cosmetologist
Bachelors degree - nutritionist
Doctorate degree - molecular biologist
All careers are dependent on the required education for a particular career and the complexity of education to be competent.
<span>A search engine displays a list of webpage names that contain the search text. The term for that list is hit.
Basically, what this term refers to is the number of visits, or a number of downloads that happened on that particular webpage. It is a good tool to measure web traffic, or how much that page is visited.
<span>2. basketball
This is a classic case of overloading in C++. You have 2 functions, both named "printSport", but one of the functions receives an input of type double, and the other receives an input of type int. The specified method call passes a parameter of type int, so the version of printSport is called that receives a parameter of type int. And that version of printSport only prints the word "basketball". The other version of printSport is never called at all.</span>