The sport has improved the overall behavior and performance of young adults, teaches them teamwork and persistence. Basketball also brings unity in communities and races alike, and has a constructive influence on the economy as a whole.
The British believed that there were more loyalists in the South so they wanted to incorporate them into the army so that they would hold the lines for the British. The ports in the South were closer to the British West Indies so if those were captured they could transport supplies a lot quicker than before. They wanted to liberate the slaves so that they would fight for them in the war.
There are numerous differences between a dictatorship and a democracy. One difference is that in a dictatorship the leader has absolute authority while in a democracy the power of government is left up to the people. Another difference is that in a dictatorship leaders are very oppressive towards their citizens. If the citizens are unhappy with government and stand up against it then they are met with force. In a democracy, if the people are unhappy with their leaders they will replace the leader with a new one. A final example is that democratic government systems place checks on leaders to limit their power. In a dictatorship, there are no checks against the government. The dictator has unlimited power.