This is because, even though both ratios are growing, the efficiency of labor ratio grows a little bit more than the population, and that prevents the population to actually make a positive difference and therefore, the output per effective worker cannot start to grow.
A proper noun is a noun that is used for a individual name. such as Alabama, Jessica,"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"
The correct answer is letter B
Bulimia is a disorder that is characterized by recurrent and uncontrollable episodes of consuming large amounts of food, usually with a high calorie content, followed by inappropriate reactions to prevent weight gain, such as inducing vomiting, use of laxatives and diuretics, fasting prolonged and exhaustive practice of physical activity.
In people with bulimia, it is not thinness that draws attention. In general, they are young women with sculptural bodies, who care for him obsessively. They follow strict diets. Suddenly, they lose control and eat an absurd amount of food, most of the time, on the sly. Then they are filled with feelings of remorse or guilt.
The resources they use to not put on weight cause complications in the body. For example: destruction of tooth enamel, sore throat, bleeding, gastrointestinal problems, cardiac arrhythmias, dehydration etc.
latency stage of development
latent means hidden. No further psychosexual development is taking place during this time. Studies shows that during the latent stage most sexual urges were repressed and sexual energy could be sublimated.
The latent period is a time of exploration in which the sexual energy repressed or dormant, this motivation is sublimated into other fields such as intellectual pursuits and social interactions.
Answer: Emotional Intelligence
James Gardner developed the theory of Multiple Intelligences, among them are interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence, which together amount to emotional intelligence.
Tia is showing emotional intelligence because she is mindful of own attributes and attentive to the emotions of others.