It’s the first one let me know if you need help
The Judicial Branch was created in Article III of the Constitution. C is the correct answer.
c. Hierarchical environments where those at the top maintain the status quo out of self-interest.
This is usually the type of environments that give rise to revolutions. One of the most important factors in encouraging a revolution is the presence of inequality. Revolutions most often happen when a group feels disadvantaged and thinks that the system it is living under is unjust. For this to happen, you generally need the presence of a wealthier or more powerful group at the top. Moreover, this group must be exclusive, and interested in maintaining the status quo in order to benefit itself.
This number would greatly increase, as there are many nations that don't have their own their own country. Some are part of a bigger country (the Tamils in India) and some are distributed among many countries (the Kurds)
Recognizing all those nations could increase some conflicts, such as that between the Kurds and Turkish in Turkey.
I think that a good definition should acknowledge that some nations have independent states and some are part of another state - the defining characteristics should be a sense of unity among the nation.
When the court renders an opinion, the Chief Justice- when in the majority-decides who writes the courts' opinion. So the answer is C