Hi !!
- Astérix et Obélix sont des caractères dans une bande dessinée.
<span>(Usually we would rather say "personnage" instead of "caractère"
"caractère" means more "personality")
- Le Rhin, le Danube, la Seine, ce sont des rivières.
- Les Gaulois sont <span></span><span>des chefs romains</span> .
- Le plus connu des Gaulois est <span>Vercingétorix</span>.
- Pourquoi a-t-il été un chef important ?
Il a unifié les tribus gauloises pour combattre les Romains.
- Où est-ce que Vercingétorix est mort ?
à Rome.
- Qui mène les Romains ?
Jules César.
<u></u><em>avoir</em> --------------> eu <em> (</em><em>eue, eus, eues)
</em> <em>masc. sing</em> <em>(fem. sing., masc. pl., fem. pl.)</em>
<em>être ---------------> </em>été <em>(invariable)</em>
<em>prendre</em> -----------> pris (<em>prise, pris, prises) (masculin sing. = masculin pl.)</em>
<em>attendre</em><em>------------> </em>attendu <em>(-e, -s, -e</em>s)
<em>parler---------------></em> parlé <em /><em>(-e, -s, -es)</em>
<em>faire -----------------> </em>fait <em /><em>(-e, -s, -es)
</em><em>mettre</em><em> --------------> </em>mis <em>(-e, mis, -es) (masc.sing. = masc. pl.)</em>
<em>lire ------------------> </em>lu <em /><em>(-e, -s, -es)</em>
<em>suivre----------------> </em>suivi <em>(-e, -s, -es)</em>
<em>vouloir</em> --------------> voulu <em /><em>(-e, -s, -es)</em>
<em>vivre</em><em> ----------------> </em>vécu <em /><em>(-e, -s, -es)</em>
<em>falloir ----------------> </em>fallu <em /><em>(invariable)
</em><u><em /></u><em></em><em>boire </em><em>-----------------> </em>bu <em>(-e, -s, -es)</em>
<em>finir </em><em>-------------------> </em>fini (<em>-e</em>,<em>-s, -es)</em>
<em>dire </em><em>-------------------> </em>dit (<em>-e, -s, -es)</em>
the past participles above are masculine singular. Except "être" & "falloir" which are invariables, they <u><em>sometimes</em></u> agree feminine singular, masculine plural, & feminine plural (in "passé composé" French tense).
<em /><em>exemples =
</em><em />boire = bu (masculin singulier)
bue (féminin sing.)
bus (masculin pluriel)
bues (féminin pluriel)
<u>What "two helping verbs"are used to help form the passé composé</u> ?
They are called "auxilliaire" ------> être & avoir
<em>exemples =
</em>Il <u>a bu </u>de l'eau.
Il <u>est parti</u> (<em>he's gone)</em>
Hope this will help :)
Dr. Khan works for the marketing department of a company that manufactures mechanical toy dogs. Dr. Khan has been asked to assess the effectiveness of a new advertising campaign that is designed to be most persuasive to people with a certain personality profile. She brought four groups of participants to the lab to watch the video advertisements and to measure the likelihood that they would purchase the toy, both before and after watching the ad. The results of Dr. Khan’s study are presented below.
Part A
Explain how each of the following concepts applies to Dr. Khan’s research.
Dependent variable
Big Five theory of personality
Part B
Explain the limitations of Dr. Khan’s study based on the research method used.
Explain what Dr. Khan’s research hypothesis most likely was.
Part C
Use the graph to answer the following questions.
How did the trait of agreeableness affect how people responded to the new ad campaign?
How did the trait of conscientiousness affect how people responded to the new ad campaign?
Write the definite article you would use with the following noun:
- le tableau
Write the indefinite article you would use with the following noun:
- la classe
Write the plural form of the following noun. Be sure to write the correct plural article as well.
- le bureau
- les bureaux