<em>The right order of steps you should take to repare the laptop is: D A C B</em>
<em>D. Ask yourself if the laptop is still under warranty: Because they will replace the board for you or give you a new machine.</em>
<em>A. Ask yourself if replacing the motherboard will cost more than purchasing a new laptop: since technology evolve every day, you might consider buying a new faster, better, advanced machine.</em>
<em>C. Find the service manual to show you how to replace the motherboard: the support assistence will guide you trhough the right way of replacing the board.</em>
<em>B. Find a replacement motherboard: choose the specific one or maybe try to find a better model, that can improve your computer performance.</em>
In the clarification portion below, the definition according to the received information is summarized.
It is indeed a summary of general object characteristics in something like a target class and creates characteristic laws.
Just before predefined data types have been held to a different standard from everyone else, it's indeed bias which always happens.
It's a mechanism that determines the possibility that objects in a set will co-occur.
It is indeed duction which attributes elements to target groups or classes in a set.
It is solely dependent on either the interpretation of other similar values to classify data points.
It has been used to position the components of the information through their corresponding classes.
- <u>Evolution Analysis:</u>
It would be for objects whose behavior varies throughout time to explain or design regularities.
The correct answer to this question is that Jeremy should use the F1 key.
In Word, the F1 key is the help button that will help Jeremy find any keyboard shortcut that he is looking for. After pressing F1, he can search for what he is looking for. A second option to find a keyboard short would be to perform a simple search on the Internet for what he is looking for.
-Click insert
-Click picture
-Click from file
-Right click the picture
-Select the desired picture and again click Insert
-Click insert caption
-Write the caption and add it
Significant object-oriented languages include: (list order based on TIOBE index) Java, C++, C#, Python, R, PHP, Visual Basic.NET, JavaScript, Ruby, Perl, Object Pascal, Objective-C, Dart, Swift, Scala, Kotlin, Common Lisp, MATLAB, and Smalltalk.