For each user who comes to your site the google analytics automatically capture the traffic source dimensions Source, Medium, Campaign name.
- There cannot be any reference to a website without an origin source.
- The source is basically the origin of your traffic such as a search engine (google) or a domain (ex: Twitter).
- Every referral to a website also has a medium along with the source.
- examples are -: unpaid search, "cost per click", referral, mail.
Campaign name:
- The campaign Name is the name referring to the google ads campaign.
<u>First test:</u> Give a list of disordered numbers to the sorting algorithm an examine if the output is correctly sorted.
<u>Second test:</u> Give a list of ordered numbers to the sorting algorithm an analyze if the output is still correctly ordered.
<u>Third test:</u> Give a list of ordered numbers and some non-numeric values to the sorting algorithm and check how is managed the exception in case of error or if the output is correctly ordered.
C, proprietary software
Proprietary software, also known as non-free software, is computer software for which the software's publisher or another person reserves some rights from licensees to use, modify, share modifications, or share the software. It sometimes includes patent rights.