A- There are a number of vanishing points, usually created by multiple objects.
Hmm, it would have to be either satin or silk. I am not sure which exact one. I've looked it up but can't find much. So, it's either C or D since they are both shiny
Jackson Pollock is an American abstract painter of the 21st century
Yes, the black lines that are tilted on the staff do tell you how many times you Strum.
Dulcian comes from Latin which means “soft and sweet”. It was developed by a French luthier during the latter part of 17th century and spread throughout the Europe like a fire as composers used it for many of their compositions. It is also known that Dulcian is a renaissance precursor of the bassoon and even after bassoon was launched. Dulcian’s continued to be used later and did not lose its importance.