B. , Neutral.
Primary colors are Red, Blue, and Yellow.
Secondary colors are Orange, Purple, and Green.
Complimentary colors are two colors that compliment each other. For example. yellow and purple, green and red, and lastly blue and orange.
That leaves Neutral to represent the gray scale.
The correct answer is C because all the other choices do not make clear sense when you read it out we Sailors are happy to returning home today
Their emphasis on the power of personal imagination puts them in the tradition of Romanticism, but unlike their forebears, they believed that revelations could be found on the street and in everyday life. The Surrealist impulse to tap the unconscious mind, and their interests in myth and primitivism, went on to shape many later movements, and the style remains influential to this today.
Answer: They documented the lives of an ordinary Assyrian citizens.
k12 I'm guessing