Under the Florida constitution, Florida voters have the power to recall any state official from his or her position initiate laws and hold referendums on existing laws change the state legislature to a unicameral system amend the state constitution only once per year.
Russia’s heavy losses in WWI quickened existing calls for a political revolution against the tsar, as corruption and economic stagnation left millions of Russians in misery. By contrast, America’s economy was booming during the same period, largely due to a system of free enterprise. Political “radicalism” and especially Russian “Bolshevism,” then, were seen as unnecessary and dangerous.
The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "d. A piece may only move into an unoccupied square." a rule in checkers is that d. A piece may only move into an unoccupied square.
Well in the 1850's was a significant time where slavery occurs. As you probably know slavery was terrible on so many levels. Becuase of the different opinions on slavery their political values changed., Some values thought that slavery was okay while the other fought against it saying that slavery should end. Different sections such as Indiana and Illinois has strong opinions to keep slavery including the south when the rest of America did not feel so strongly.