The sentence is not grammatically correct, it should be, "Last summer, Jim mowed one lawn, now he mows three." Mowed just one lawn doesn't make sense in one sentence.
we need the story once you the story I'll answer. ok.
because 'played' ended in 'ed'
If the question is about the words "scuttled off" then the accurate answer would be imagery, more specifically, kinesthetic imagery, that is to say, imagery related to the vivid significance of the movement of the crab that implies both a physical gesture that reveals an emotional movement associated to that gesture. In literature, this is called "from motion to emotion". In this particular case, the movement of scuttling off implies that the patience of the crab is about to meet its limits and because the crab does no longer want to be subjected to an uncomfortable situation it translates its emotion into the motion of leaving. Furthermore, the following use of direct speech right after this motion completes the cycle of emotion to motion and then back to emotion.