After violence broke out between Britain and its American colonies in 1775, delegates from the thirteen .If you had been a delegate at the Congress
C. Gupta
It was developed by a mathematician in 498 CE :)
<span>new labor union established in the late 1800s sounds right</span>
We have to ensure justice, defend our country and maintain peace.
The Preamble of the United States says that We are the People of the United States who can form a more perfect Union, provide Justice to all the affected people, insure domestic peace, contribute in defense of our country, promote the Welfare of people and development of the country, and secure the Liberty to ourselves and to our future generation. We have to achieve these six goals in order to lead the world and become one of the most powerful nation in the world. We have to provide justice to all people in order promote peace in the society. We have to defend our country whenever it need us.
Option: Venetian trade routes were mostly in the Mediterranean Sea.
It was during the 9th century when Venice started to become a maritime power by profiting from trading rights. Venice became known for its flourishing trade centres and later with the textile industry as the spice trade prospered. Venice location gave an advantage over other Italian cities to connect with other trading ports. Venice, over the period, developed its trading connection with Southeast Asia, Egypt, Syria, Iran and China for its spices, silk, gems, tea, cotton textiles, grain, sharbat, exotic fruits, etc.