According to scientific research. I think it's option C -lower the temperature of an oli
The one that is less typical of odes than of other types of poetry is a heavy reliance on rhythm and word sounds
The odes are a kind of poem that presents several characteristics, among the most common ones, are:
* Moderate length.
* Seriousness towards the object they are talking about.
* Elevated style in word choice and stanza pattern.
* Made to praise something or someone.
After taking these characteristics into consideration the only option that is not very common is the reliance on rhythm and word sounds.
D. Martin Luther King's famous speech used two memorable refrains: "I have a dream" and "Let freedom ring".
A colon instead of a semicolon may be used between independent clauses when the second sentence explains, illustrates, paraphrases, or expands on the first sentence.
The hard and fast rule is that a colon must ALWAYS follow a complete sentence.
The excerpt uses explicit details in the following way: it provides a <u>physical description</u> of Sarah Penn (small woman, short waist, gray hair, mild forehead, downward lines about her nose and mouth). All of it is explicit, since there is no room for interpretation, it is what it is. In other words, such details are concrete ones, since they are physical and nothing else.
As for implicit details, we can find them in a figure of speech (a <u>hypallage</u>, which uses an adjective or participle to describe a noun other than the person or thing it is in fact describing): we learn Sarah Penn's forehead was benevolent, that is, it showed her benevolence (an implicit detail, since it was Sarah, and not her forehead, that was benevolent). It is a trait which implicitly tells something about the character's personality. There is also the description of <u>meek downward lines</u> about her nose and mouth. Again, a hypallage which implicitly tells us something about the character: it is Sarah who is gentle and humble, and not the lines about her nose and mouth.
The indefinite pronoun is somebody.