Answer: Briony begins to see reality.
Briony wants to say she was introduced to real life. That the wrong "understanding" was an idea aimed at a deluded vision, nobody lives in a fairy tale and she had this "weak" idea because she was being awakened to reality through the observation of her own daily life and the people around her .
The correct answer is the word Skimp instead "Skim"
In language, whether it is written or oral language error can emerge from the speaker or writer not following the grammar rules (grammar error), writing words incorrectly (spelling error), using punctuation marks incorrectly or avoiding using them when necessary (punctuation error), among others. In the case of "Here's why you should skip the skimp milk and go for whole milk instead" the type of error is a spelling one, which means words are not written correctly as the letters in words are not organized correctly or include letters that are supposed to be there. In this sentence the word Skimp refers to the word "Skim" that means to remove what is in the surface in the case of skim milk as fat is removed from it and not to the word Skimp that refers to avoid spending something, this means there is a spelling error as the writer added a "p" at the end of the word which is not correct and thus, the mistake is the word "Skimp" instead of skim.
The Empire State building, located in New York City, recieved its own zip code in 1980.
B. Adverbs describe verbs (things that are actions). Being tall isn't something the basketball player is doing, it is a description of them as a person.