interrogative and or pronoun
Who (pronoun) The pronoun who, in English, is an interrogative pronoun and a relative pronoun, used chiefly to refer to humans. Its derived forms include whom, an objective form the use of which is now generally confined to formal English; the possessive form whose; and the indefinite form whoever (also whosoever, whom(so)ever
The correct answer is D. Marriage restricts one's freedom. This is because of the fact that even though her husband was not a bad man who beat her up or something similar, she was still kind of happy when she heard he died, because she would get to live her life as a free woman, instead of a housewife. This is why it was considered to be a controversial story when it came out.
B. two sources written by the same author are used
B. “However, I feel that Mr. Crockett's editorial did not present a complete picture of the issue, <em><u>and</u></em> I would like your readers to see the gaps in his arguments.”
Only response B. has a coordinating conjunction.