<span>Napoleon had been very sly from the outset. It is clear from the differences in opinion between him and Snowball that he saw him as a threat. Since he wanted sole power, he secretly trained Bluebell and Jessie's nine puppies in a loft after having removed them from their mothers once they were weaned. No one realized what his plan was with them at the time. It soon became apparent that Napoleon had been training...</span>
Some thing tare write like fun things that happen during lunch easy test hard tests arguments that happen things that happen and n school and tell them you miss them
Sure :D
When I was 14,
I had a bad friend, he made me feel extremely nervous when around him.
no one knew about the things he would say or do to me.
eventually, i talked to my older sister about it. She was furious about how this boy had treated me. She got ahold of his phone number and blew up at him. it was karma in the greatest form. I've worked through the slight trauma he's left me with. but it was a very nerve racking experience